Saturday, January 06, 2007

Whisper yt in mine ear

To uttre secretes.

In one maner only thou ought to shew thy secretes, and other wyse not.
For yf thou dyscover it to thy frende, and yf thy frende be but lewde, & hath another frende that he loveth, to whome he telleth hym the same, and so frome one to another tyll a grete meyny do knowe it, & so thy secrete may come out to thy grete shame and rebuke. For whyles thou kepest thy secret within the, it is sure. For thou mayst shew thy secrete to suche one that whan he knoweth it wyl do the some wronge, and for feare that thou hast of hym thou dare not gaynsay hym leest he bewrey the. And yf thou can none otherwyse but that thou must uttre it by thy foly, and that thy stomake wyl swell for to tel it, go out of company and tell it to thy selfe as yf thou wolde tell it to another man, and thy hert will coole and thy stomake swage. And for ony nede that thou hast to dyscover it, take hede to whom, but yf it be to suche one that for ony anger that thou doost to hym wyl not rebuke the with it. And hever lete thy neyghboure knowe thy nede, for therby thou mayest be the lesse set by in places where thou dwellest.

1 comment:

Mag. Peter Engel said...

myne secretes were hidden through long time ago only thou dyscoverd myne and liked ...

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